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Running a small business often requires wearing multiple hats so it can be draining.
If you follow successful small business people, they all have one thing in common: their health and fitness come first.
Whether it’s playing a sport, walking, or exercising, they have a routine to start or end their day on a positive note.
So, why is it important to stay healthy while running a small business?
I know first-hand how crazy things can get. I also juggle various roles as a small business owner all while staying up to date in the industry to provide top-notch services to my clients.
Running a small business and taking care of my family takes a chunk out of my day. It’s easy to fall into the trap of eating in front of the TV or scrolling for hours on TikTok and then sleeping.
Even worse, after a quick dinner, I go back to my computer or phone to keep working! But that has stopped and this is how.
Add Prioritizing Your Health to Your Small Business Plan
Think about it: if you get sick, who’ll cover for you? Even if you have a great team, you know that as the business owner, you’d rather be on the front line.
And what if you don’t have a team? What if you have to work no matter what?
Serious health issues that you could have prevented might sideline you completely.
Here are three things you can start doing right now to stay healthy, focused, and on point while running a small business.
Stay Healthy While Running a Small Business with a Better Mindset
To stay healthy while running a small business, start the day with a win. Ask yourself, “How much time will I give myself to be active and eat smart?”
Put your health in your calendar and treat it as another important meeting. Setting yourself up for a win early in the day will help you tackle anything else that comes your way.
If you have a positive mindset, you will have a positive outcome. The other way around is also true. If you have a negative mindset, you will have a negative outcome.
Practice changing your mindset to something positive every morning. I’m not talking about toxic positivity.
Something as small as a mantra like “I choose to have a great day” can have a great impact.
Remember, it all starts with the mindset.
Stay Healthy While Running a Small Business by Eating Smart and Healthy
When you eat junk every day, you feel like junk every day. Eating heavy food with little nutritional value, or worse, not eating at all, makes you drag.
Your energy plummets because your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs.
We are all guilty of skipping lunch to meet a deadline or stay in the zone. But if you deprive yourself, you risk slowing your metabolism and eating the first thing you see.
Just today I was running late for a morning meeting and didn’t have time for breakfast, but I made a quick protein smoothie on my portable blender.
Voila! I have a quick nutritious drink to hold me up until after the meeting. Luckily I meal prepped last weekend, now I can pop my food in the microwave and 1. save money from eating out, and 2. eat something healthy.
Plan Your Meals in Advance
Planning your nutrition gives you a sense of organization and control. When you plan and prepare healthy meals, you avoid eating the first thing you see.
You fuel your body with brain-boosting vegetables and fruits to keep you sharp at work.
When people see your progress, they will ask how you manage to eat well and work well.
The simple answer is that you have everything under control because you pre-planned your meals. Stay healthy while running a small business by feeding yourself proper food.
By the way, did you know meal prepping is something else you can outsource? There are many options out there like meal delivery kits and personal chefs.
Stay Healthy While Running a Small Business by Exercising
Working out releases endorphins, making you feel good. It also puts more oxygen in your bloodstream, refreshing your brain and keeping you sharp with better or new ideas for your small business.
Exercising lowers your stress levels. You’ll learn how to manage stressful situations better. A clear mind under stress helps avoid mistakes.
Adopting a healthier lifestyle with fitness will give you a clear and positive mindset, boosting your self-confidence.
If you sit all day, you know your lower back or neck hurts by the end of the day.
Did you know that the major cause of lower back pain in adults is from sitting in front of the computer?
Break up the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise into smaller chunks if you have to. Just get some exercise in.
Below are some total body exercises you can do today.
Stick to the workout appointments you made for yourself. You don’t have to commit to two hours per day, but as little as 20 minutes can greatly impact your mood and focus.
Try alternating cardio and resistance training every other day.
Total Body Exercises
As it happens, I am also a certified Personal Trainer and Women’s Fitness Specialist. I put together a great program you can do every other day or every day to release tension in your upper body, strengthen your core, and get an energy boost.
This program is great for all fitness levels and requires little to no exercise equipment.
A very important disclaimer before we continue:
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. PLEASE ALWAYS consult your DOCTOR before beginning this or any other exercise program, especially if you have any chronic or recurring condition, and/or if you are pregnant, nursing, or elderly.
If you are looking for a personalized exercise plan, let’s chat!
After Work Program:
Do at least 1 set, 15 reps. Over time add more sets.
Don’t skip this warm-up. Sitting at a desk all day impacts our bodies more than we know. If you follow this program including the warm-up, you’ll see results in days or weeks.
Static Sternocleidomastoid Stretch
Static Standing Hip Flexor Stretch
Lateral Band Walking
You can find great bands here.
Resistance Exercises
Tubing or Dumbbell Rear Fly
Incline Push Up With Rotation
Reverse Lunge to Balance
Cool Down
Do not skip this cool down. This is going to help you work out any kinks you have on your body. If you sit every day at work, your body needs this!
SMR Thoracic Spine
Amazon has great foam rollers like these.
SMR Calves
SMR Tensor Fascia Latae
Stay Healthy While Running a Business – Make a Commitment to Yourself
Doing anything well requires energy, and you will have more energy when you are fit. Again, you will have a much better positive attitude.
Your health will improve, and your immune system will ensure you don’t get sick. You will stay healthy while running a business by eating well and staying active.
So, get ready for increased energy, vitality, a strong immune system, and clarity.
I write about empowering women to achieve their professional and personal goals. With years of experience, I am passionate about providing insights and guidance to help you become the best version of yourself.
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